Saturday 4 January 2014

A new year’s song.

                A new year’s song.
Slowly the stars manifest in the sky-
Past year's dreams yet to gain form and substance.
Still as any, the lady night waits
Till the twelfth-zero hour when the gong should sound
Announcing yet again a new cycle, a new year-
A new mound of clay for you and I
To wrought as we may.

New promises are thusly made by all they surround,
The troubles of the past are not my bother,
Besides, the promise of a new future awaits us;
I neither am minstrel nor bard,
But I know true, a newyears song must be sang
To bless all endeavors and draw the stars closer
For in the stars humanity draws all bliss.

A journey's end best tells it's venture and allore,
The beginning however sets the pace of how the sojourner
Must the wilderness traverse...
Remember the these words by the sages of old,
Heed them for they may well be your salvation.
                Without wax,


A new year’s song.

                A new year’s song.
Slowly the stars manifest in the sky-
Past year's dreams yet to gain form and substance.
Still as any, the lady night waits
Till the twelfth-zero hour when the gong should sound
Announcing yet again a new cycle, a new year-
A new mound of clay for you and I
To wrought as we may.

New promises are thusly made by all they surround,
The troubles of the past are not my bother,
Besides, the promise of a new future awaits us;
I neither am minstrel nor bard,
But I know true, a newyears song must be sang
To bless all endeavors and draw the stars closer
For in the stars humanity draws all bliss.

A journey's end best tells it's venture and allore,
The beginning however sets the pace of how the sojourner
Must the wilderness traverse...
Remember the these words by the sages of old,
Heed them for they may well be your salvation.
                Without wax,


Wednesday 25 September 2013

Moments of silence often much are meant to commemorate sad events, souls departed from this world and lost loves; Mine, albeit a long one was for naught else but to commemorate the dynamics this day and age now offer. the dynamics of how easy it is to conceive yet how difficult it is to father a child. when i was young, my African parents told me, a child falls from the heavens. when I stopped believing this anymore, the story was morphed into children are bought at the market. life and discovery offered me a different story though, that of the biological events ranging from conception to birth. this my good friends is one dynamic.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Truths about us....

Super heroes exist only in comics-because we are told they are supper strong, fast and simply persons of genius. They that are good at heart in this world dare not even heroes, we call the humanitarian or some such dumb name. Why is it that we sit and watch, no matter the bad things that happen to them. Is it that we have forgotten to see the humane parts and aspect in every other person around us? Now i love words, i thrive in their existence and indeed bask in the blissful awe of their articulation-but words alone never in their time have solved anything, this is in allegiance to the popular adage that words with out action bear little or no fruit at all. Have we so much forgotten the look of hunger, anger, patience, pain, suffering, and above all the pleading look in the eyes of our brethren so much that we do not care? I think that that time has come again that we should look deep in to the eyes of these our people just so we should remember our selves.

Friday 15 February 2013

i quit...

Come to think of it, being human is the single most frustrating thing any one can go through, what with being cordial to every one and saying good morning every now and then, good evening and giving compliments to people that do not actually deserve them. The problem is we are never allowed too be socially rude with out consequence. Now, if i were God(no blasphemy intended), i would first of all scrap all the rules of societal etiquette as we know them and institute my own. the first would be that we do not flatter any one for any reason-this is in actual sense to save us from having to kiss up to some people for reasons that often much are not worth it. Second would be that slap every person that compliments you because often much they are simply kissing up to you...often much telling you sweet nothings and lies disguised as truths. the ultimate though would be to look the other way when some one smiles at you because this is the beginning of all evil-the need to be cordial to every one that looks your way...

Tuesday 12 February 2013


The beauty of life is it's uncertainty, sometimes it surprises you in quite beautiful a way-yet at times, this same uncertainty is a beast that disappoints you. my heart is strong as that of an ox, my feet, as strong as those of the next man-yet day and night, both the joy and disappointments occasioned by this same beautiful intoxicating monster  every other day leaves me speechless and often much amazement and anger all at the same time. what God meant this for, i do not know, but beautiful or disappointing this uncertainty makes life a whole different and engaging experience-i simply can not imagine a life full of certainty.

Thursday 24 January 2013

When are we mature enough to die...?

At every point in our lives, we do things that in later times of our lives we end up disaprooving of an refering to as stupid and immature. It is apparently because a more mature version of us is the one sitting in judgment at this point in time, thus the dis-reputing of the earlier decisions we made in life. Maturity kills us thought-slowly squeezes the fun out of life leaving us simply an  old burnt out boring people( some wise guy some where must have said that)... however, when are we mature enough to die, and should we thus so choose simply because as we grow, we shall dis-approve...? i choose to forever be stupid; and besides, in the words of Mark Twain, we shall regret more the things we did not do twenty years from now than those we did.
                     I choose to be young