Saturday 2 March 2013

Truths about us....

Super heroes exist only in comics-because we are told they are supper strong, fast and simply persons of genius. They that are good at heart in this world dare not even heroes, we call the humanitarian or some such dumb name. Why is it that we sit and watch, no matter the bad things that happen to them. Is it that we have forgotten to see the humane parts and aspect in every other person around us? Now i love words, i thrive in their existence and indeed bask in the blissful awe of their articulation-but words alone never in their time have solved anything, this is in allegiance to the popular adage that words with out action bear little or no fruit at all. Have we so much forgotten the look of hunger, anger, patience, pain, suffering, and above all the pleading look in the eyes of our brethren so much that we do not care? I think that that time has come again that we should look deep in to the eyes of these our people just so we should remember our selves.